Damien & The Love Guru

Julian Irlinger


Props deals with the relationship between the economy, the public sphere, and art in the digital age. The book shows montaged images of the inside of the Frick Collection in New York, which is adorned with art and pieces of furniture. The collection was made accessible to the public after the death of its owner Henry Clay Frick. Julian Irlinger superimposes pictures drawn from the stock of images generated by two different virtual tours through the collection in the museum. He uses shots by a professional photographer that were commissioned by the Frick Collection and combines them with other images from a Google service team that have been published on their own platforms. Irlinger overlays a shot of a photographer with an almost identical picture from Google. The differences between a painstaking and cheap approach to the production of images are clearly visible: they symbolise the different economic interests of the people who have commissioned them.

Joseph Henry

Book design by Pascal Storz and Fabian Bremer.


My Friends in Art


Emanuele Marcuccio

Edition book

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Emanuele Marcuccio

Emanuele Marcuccio


Mathis Pfäffli



Vanessa Disler

Book of the Living


Sharon Van Overmeiren

Something Like A Phenomenon

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Mickael Marman

Having a party (hope you will be there)


Margarita Maximova

You Have Within You Something Stronger And More Numinous


Jasmin Werner

Melted Memoria


Julian Irlinger



Slow Reading Club

Body Horror


Christiane Blattmann

Un-Break My Walls


Julian Irlinger

Fragments of a Crisis


Jasmin Werner

Scalalogia And The Wheel Of Life


Julian Irlinger



Mickael Marman

Notes Towards

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